Captivated By Eunoia

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4 Reasons Why Wedding Videos are Better Than Photos

Let’s jump straight into it. If you’re the soon-to-be-bride that never really gave wedding videos a second thought or figured your wedding photos will be enough then you may want to reconsider. For all the clients i’ve created wedding videos for, they unanimously agreed that they would’ve regret not recording their special day. But this isn’t me coercing my clients for a quote. Newlyweds across the US were surveyed and the majority recommended that brides should have their wedding recorded. If you’re still unconvinced that you need wedding videographer then perhaps these four reasons will change your mind.

1 - Videos Offer An Immersive Experience

Videos bring you back to the moment. It lets you see and hear what happened instead of relying on a foggy memory. EVERYONE thinks they will remember details of their wedding but its not until you watch the video back do you realize how much they missed. As a bride you will be in a blissful daze for the entire wedding and you will want rewatch the moment to take it all in properly.

2 - Videos Are Entertaining

It is much easier to catch a funny moment on video than on a photo. Everyone looks good dancing when it’s frozen in place by a photo but you and your friend’s dignity is laid bare on video. Funny jokes, touching songs and awkward moments are easy and fun to re-experience through video.

3 - Videos are Engaging

You, your family and friends will get better idea of your wedding in 1 minute of video than 1 minute of looking through photos. Videos have a way of pulling the viewer into the moment and making them feel as though they were right there.

4 - Videos Provide Context

This is important. Imagine your photographer took a candid picture of your vows. You see the picture with you and your significant other frozen in time with emotion on their face. What are they saying? What were you saying? At what point was a tear shed. How did your guests respond? You were there living that moment yet you brain will not record all of that information and all that context is too complex to be captured by a photo. However this lost context is perfectly encapsulate with video allowing you to revisit the memory with clarity.